taking it to a higher authority


In deportation proceedings, a judge will make a decision on at least two matters…(1) if you are deportable and, (2) if you have filed an application for relief, are you eligible for that relief.Immigration is part of his family heritage. His father is an immigrant. His mother was an immigrant, as well.

The most common appeals include:

  • Deportation Appeals and Motions to Reopen/Reconsider
  • Naturalization Application Appeals
  • I-130 Family Petition Appeals

The appeals process is very complicated and involves many different forms and at least three different government agencies…the Board of Immigration, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services and the Immigration Court. Having a lawyer working on your case as early as possible in the process may help avoid those denials or increase the likelihood that your appeal will succeed.

David can help you file your appeal properly and on time for your best outcome.


Other immigration services include:


David M. Pyun, Esq. Protects Your Immigration Rights

If you or a loved one is facing issues with your legal status in New York, New Jersey or Connecticut, do not wait to call David M. Pyun, Esq. at (718) 224-0990.

Begin with a consultation and protect your rights and future well being with David’s skilled representation.

Facing Immigration Challenges?






(718) 224-0990